Online Breast Cancer support group for young black women

Online Breast Cancer support group for young black women

young black women fighting and surviving breast cancer.pngI thought that being diagnosed with Breast Cancer under the age of 40 was lonely. But, I had no idea that I was also part of even smaller group diagnosed with Breast Cancer, black women. Being two minorities to the overall Breast Cancer community is very lonely. Each part, my age and my race, contribute to a different set of problems. Many people assume that Breast Cancer treatment is a one size fits all approach, but this is further from the truth. Different age and racial groups, face different problems and treatment solutions. One of the things I learned quickly is that you can connect with any Breast Cancer group for support, but the ones that were the most beneficial to me, where the ones that promoted representation. For me, representation means hope. Because if you are young like me, look like me, and have the same type of diagnosis, I know that I can connect with women who can give me hope, tips, advice and inspiration that will truly benefit me.

So, today, I would like to share with you my Breast Cancer group for Young Black women, Young Black Women Fighting & Surviving Breast Cancer.

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